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Boom! The 5th edition of BáilaMe Cracow Bachata Festival - the best and the biggest 100% bachata festival in Poland! For the fifth time already we’re about to integrate Polish dancers by creating the most unique event you have ever seen! You cannot miss it!

Great venue, hundreds of bachateros from all Europe, 4 epic parties, the best Polish instructors, 14 hours of workshops, 3 days of social dancing outdoors, chill, fun and 100% of bachata !

Join the Great Polish Bachata Integration

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General Terms


1. All the partcipants of the BáilaMe Cracow Bachata FesBval are obliged to read and accept
the rules of the FesBval. Each person staying within the FesBval area is obliged to comply
with the statements of these RegulaBons. The ParBcipant resigns to raise any complaints
against the Organizers of the FesBval if any harm has been done due to ignorance and
disobedience of these regulaBons.
2. In order to parBcipate in the FesBval, you need to register and buy a Bcket.
3. A minor under the age of 18 may ajend the FesBval, but should inform the Organizers
about this fact. A minor under the age of 18 may ajend the FesBval only if accompanied by
parent or a legal guardian.
4. The registraBon to the FesBval has to be done via registraBon form available on the
5. If you bought a Bcket online, you have the right to cancel your order within 14 days. In
case of Bckets bought aker 04.07.2024, the return is available only Bll 18.07.2024.
6. Tickets are available for online sale only Bll 14.07.2024.
7. Before entering the territory of FesBval, the ParBcipant will receive the official wristband
of the fesBval. The ParBcipant must keep the bracelet on during the enBre fesBval. You
cannot take it off or pass it to another person.
8. The ParBcipant will be asked to show the idenBty documents in order to obtain the
9. Tickets are non – refundable. In case of resignaBon, Organizers don’t refund the money to
the ParBcipants.
10. ParBcipant can transfer his/her Bckets to another person, but should inform Organizers
about this fact Bll 14.07.2024. Aker this Bme, there will be no possibility to transfer the
Bcket to another person. ParBcipant is fully responsible for finding a new person, organizers
are not parBcipaBng in this transacBon. In order to transfer a Bcket to another person,
parBcipant should send an email to Organizers ([email protected]) Bll 14.07.2024,
informing about the change, and indicaBng first name, last name and email address of a new
parBcipant. The Bcket will be transferred to new parBcipant.
11. The Organizers reserve the right to make changes in the program of the FesBval.
12. The Organizers cannot be held responsible for the lost or stolen personal belongings lek
unajended on the FesBval territory.
13. The Organizers cannot be held responsible for injuries and misadventures sustained
during the FesBval and on the FesBval territory.
14. By entering the FesBval territory you agree with exposure to sound volumes which may
cause damage to your hearing
15. By entering the FesBval territory you consent to photography, video recording and
its/their release, publicaBon, exhibiBon or reproducBon to be used for promoBonal
purposes, adverBsing on website and social media.
16. The Organizer reserves the right to make changes to the RegulaBons. The updated
RegulaBons are available on the website
17. The Organizer reserves the right to refuse entry to the event or remove from the event
area a person who does not comply with safety requirements, ex. disturb the peace during
the course of the event, is under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicaBng substances, or
exhibiBng aggressive behaviors. 

Refund Policy

All items are non-refundable under any circumstances.